So the other day I came across an app called Cast box if you have iPhone you probably already have podcasts which are essentially the same thing. There's so many channels you can subscribe to from poetry readings to health talks there's so much to explore.
I listened to a podcast from poetry off the shelf by the The Poetry Foundation the episode was titled from sickness into poetry and there was an author there her name was Meghan O'Rourke, she spoke of her poetry titled Sun in Days. The poems were about life and existence but she took quite an original angle, I personally have never heard of Meghan O'Rourke but this podcast has made very interested in her work, a few of the poems she read out were about the continuity of life and her feeling unlike herself when she fell sick; she was diagnosed with lyme disease but for a long time was undiagnosed and was unaware of its effects on her, (she has now been treated and currently is doing alot better) , she wrote a 22part prose like poetry piece in this in which she describes her unusual state and not understanding her change, some of her other poems in this book talk about grief and mourning for when her mother died and the last poem she read out was about the pregnancy with her son, it's such a beautiful poem and I love the way she described it.
The book she said was understanding the existence of life and although it has its hardships it is made up with the beauty of life (the birth of her son) I found this so refreshing and beautiful and I hope to purchase this book soon. Try listening to the podcast it's really good.
Unfortunately I can't find any of the poems I mentioned so you'll have to take my word for it.
This is the link
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