Apologies IV this post is a favourite of mine and I wanted HH to be a part of it. IV is my other blog (infinitevestige.blogspot.co.uk) for those you unaware and the following post was on there first, see IV has always had second treatment in IVs eyes but I can assure you readers now that's not true! Anyhow IV suck it up (go read my apology on IV then!) and HH here you go:
This is a mantra I've been saying to myself to keep going or to keep things around. I've always been the kind of person to think-eh that's not great or I'm not that good so I'll just delete it. But then I realised so what if it's not great, it's still an accomplishment to write it or to make it, there's no expectation to be better than someone else. Who's to say it isn't great even? I suppose I just realised it's an accomplishment to keep something in your life; to come to the point where deleting isn't an option but facing up to things is. That's why I've been writing this story from a cat's perspective but even if I never finish it- I won't delete it. The plan is to slowly update as much as I can throughout but there's no pressure. That's how YOU IV have stayed alive so long, because of this mentality. And I personally think it's great way to think. Think of how many accomplishments we could have if we didn't delete.
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