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Showing posts from 2019

Bruised ambitions

My week took a surprising turn for the worst, one which I had no ability to predict. Let's start at the beginning, I've been doing new things lately, things if you had caught me a few years ago and asked me 'Hey Repa would you consider this and this?' I probably would have said no. But new positivity, new challenges, new me! I got a PT back in May and I never thought I'd get a PT, one because they are pretty pricey and two I thought it was only for complete beginners to gym, both of which are untrue. All PTs have their own prices and I had been going to gym for about 6 months before I got a PT. Some of the reasons I wanted a PT was, I had never tried it, I wanted to be pushed and I wanted help with my goals. Another new thing I tried was a gymnastics class, I had seen those fancy gymnasts on TV for the Olympics and I thought hey that's pretty cool! So I just wanted to try it out and that I did. I ended up with an ankle injury mainly because the class was an o...

Hemp protein review

So as I've been working more I've been needing more protein because one of my goals is to build muscle as well as lose fat. And as you might be aware it's important to have a high protein diet or at least a good amount in your diet. Even if you're not working out having more protein is good for you so this might be something you can add to your milkshakes, porridge etc if you'd like. Hemp protein -taken from the plant -it is unflavoured -you can buy it on my protein at 300g 1kg or on bulk powders from 500g to 5kg -I bought mine on my protein at £24.99 but used the 37% discount (my husband got it as company discount but they also have a 30% discount on the website anyway) and got it for around £15 there's also p & p which is around £4 (this is to my address it may be different depending on where you live)  Pros -the 1kg comes with a plastic scoop which is handy as you just use one scoop -lasts a decent amount of time -I like the packaging ...

Running a 10K

As you may know I did a half marathon last year and I didn't have a great experience. I did it with LLHM I just felt it didn't feel motivating or encouraging enough. Since then I didn't think I'd run an event again but I did. I ran the 10k with run-through and I really enjoyed it! They had lots of stalls, I even had free turmeric shots as well as free flapjacks and fruit! I enjoyed the atmosphere and I felt it was well organised, the Marshall were very enthusiastic and nice too! It was hard because I hadn't run on the streets in a while but it was an amazing experience I even got face paint! I would definitely recommend run through! I did it about two months ago and every time I remember it I think wow what a great running event! Here's to you, running 👏👏

Sleepy Haze

So recently I've been feeling confused. I feel like my thoughts are all muddled up and I need to sort them all out, I've been trying to journal more to figure it all out and it has helped to clear the fog somewhat but I think maybe I need some more self care time, some more me time. Maybe then I can figure out what I really want. I don't know about you but after a big change in my life I get like this I forget the things I enjoy and the things that make me happy, see I get so focused on the change that everything else is just insignificant. I think what I'm really lacking is contentment, contentment from God and being close to Allah. That's why I've signed up to do an Islamic course but I still feel I have alot of time on my hands, don't get me wrong I am productive but I guess I like keeping busy. I think the first step is to assess which I suppose I did by journaling, and now I think I need a way to relax and calm my mind, yoga sounds most suitable...

Goals into existence

There's a legend if you speak your goals out loud they can become true, no matter how wild or daring the very utterance can bring them alive... Well.. It's not a legend but alot of people say its like the law of attraction, you bring what you want into your life and naturally the more you talk about something the more you believe it to be possible and I believe its true. The more I dream and the more I believe the stronger I feel. I feel there's no limits to what I can do, many times things I thought that I could never do I have done, it's about believing in yourself and keep picking yourself up even when you fall. I feel like I fell recently, being unemployed and feeling down I just focused on one thing mainly which was exercise despite this I feel time has helped me to become more positive and reflect on what I want and who I want to be. I realised I want to volunteer more and eventually work again and I guess it took time and patience on my part to realise this. T...