There's a legend if you speak your goals out loud they can become true, no matter how wild or daring the very utterance can bring them alive...
Well.. It's not a legend but alot of people say its like the law of attraction, you bring what you want into your life and naturally the more you talk about something the more you believe it to be possible and I believe its true. The more I dream and the more I believe the stronger I feel. I feel there's no limits to what I can do, many times things I thought that I could never do I have done, it's about believing in yourself and keep picking yourself up even when you fall.
I feel like I fell recently, being unemployed and feeling down I just focused on one thing mainly which was exercise despite this I feel time has helped me to become more positive and reflect on what I want and who I want to be. I realised I want to volunteer more and eventually work again and I guess it took time and patience on my part to realise this.
Things have definitely changed, I have a running event coming up, a few months ago I swore I wasn't gonna run, how things change huh? And I'm going on a trek with my husband soon too, I feel like I'm going back to myself again little by little and it took just a little bit of hope and patience. I'm pushing myself and disciplining myself because I want more and I want to live a bigger life a life not just for myself but to help others too.
I think we all can. Whether we want to help others or grow our careers, we can do it, we just need to dream and believe and keep going no matter what,
Let's all dream more and believe in ourselves; there's a world of opportunity out there just waiting for us to come and get it.
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