I no longer carry a carrier bag, 1. my sister never fails to mock me for it, 2. it got stolen.
Well stolen is an exaggeration. A good citizen (more like a goody two shoes) decided they'd chuck it away, the first time it happened I found it, the second time, it seems they got better and I couldn't find it. What a torrid game of hide and seek. And I lost. Anyhow I also don't carry water with me, this is because its annoying to hold it and I'm used to it. At first I didn't, I thought I needed it but I didnt really, i think i was just afraid. I also run for longer without stopping and I run to and from the park, I feel like I get more running done this way. I'm reading more running books aswell! Unfortunately theres not a lot of good running books so I am going to have to visit some more libraries to find them.
yes im a beginner. and ive gone and signed up to the London Landmarks Half Marathon with Muslim Hands for clean water around the world. Its in march so I'm planning on increasing 1mile every other sunday, on advice of many running plans for half marathons. Ive also been working on incoporating yoga/pilates into my week for strength and flexibility as well as some strength excercises. Im figuring out what running shoes, clothes etc, I'll need and a few other essentials for my running kit. Other than that its kind of touch and go, inshaAllah ill be able to raise the money, every time I've set out to do a fundraising challenge by Allah's will I have managed to do it, so Alhamdulilah! We'll see how it goes, I am currently reading How to Run a Marathon by Tim rogers, some running books are always useful. I am planning on taking out a few more.
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