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Showing posts from 2015

I'm changing

I'm beginning to see that it's not that hard to change, well it is and it isn't.. What I mean is, comparing myself a couple of months ago and now, a lot has changed in terms of my mentality and my positivity. But I cannot say it was easy, at first even I was stumped at how I did it. Because I had tried(as you know) many times to become closer to God and failed on numerous occasions ( in my eyes) but alhamdulilah alhamdulilah I've been getting closer to it than ever before, and I realised its a lot to do with my actual faith in God not only do I need tawaqul (rememberance) of God but I also need to do this in action. And this. This is so important I think I forgot the different/the line/ the actuality of the situation I kept confusing my laziness, etc. and so on with my own personality and every time I did something I myself didn't approve of I wouldn't correct myself which in the past I would, it's so important to mould the Islamic personality to whatever de...

Worrying and fate

Over the past few days I've been wracked with worry- and it's not my usual worrying it's intense overthinking to the point where I'd get headaches, but at the same time I've also been coming closer to God which puts me in a dilemma. How can I worry so much about the future when I should have tawaqul in Allah that whatever happens is in his control, so long as I strive and do my best I ultimately have to leave the rest to him because if I don't then how can I truly say I'm a believer when I don't believe in my Lord and I don't rely on Him? I've found its so easy to put into practise accepting fate when you don't actuay have that much hardship to accept, not only that it's easy to accept when you don't have ongoing overriding issues within yourself and career, I mean I'm not disregarding the fact that it could be hard , but personally for myself when I was younger I found it easier to accept but now I find it much harder because of ...

Abrasive or Confident?

Sometimes you know when you meet someone confident you instantly know they are confident, the warm smile, the big handshake, the open hand gestures(or maybe that's the psychoanalysts out there??) they all show that this person is confident.  But working in retail has made me realise that some people aren't actually as confident as they appear, sometimes they have insecurities themselves and they project this through trying to put someone else down, or appear better than someone else, because in my opinion someone who's actually confident wouldn't care about ridiculing someone they simply converse with another human in a normal manner, no hidden agendas, no mind games or ...upping someone. Yeah, so wasalaam


Being humble is hard, im giving it to you real. Sometimes it's just SO easy to think hey I have this and this and they don't have that. And hey I'm good at this and they ain't- and for girls, all you girls out there ;)- it's hey I'm prettier than her...... Sometimes you literally need to take a step back and slap yourself mentally. Like one big mental slap. You need to tell yourself, you need to shut ya ugly mouth, you ain't better than no one. Obviously sometimes Shaytan is always whispering as he does, like seriously get a life shay?  But sometimes it's a part of our own self obsession and my sister was actually talking about how society has made us so self obsessed and I do think it's true we are all so in love with ourselves. You see on Instagram those beautiful (mashaAllah ) girls constantly taking selfies , which I'm not dissing, because personally I hate it when other people diss girls who takes selfies or do duck faces; you should underst...


I think I had a misconception for a long time about Islam, that I feel somehow I've begun to clear. I used to think that when you truly love Islam- so much so that every day you wake up, you're so excited just to be alive! Who feels like that now, with such materialism and shallow thinking who actually wakes up feeling that, and not something ridiculous and pathetic like a wedding or an event somewhere where somehow you get to showcase your looks or your talent? When you truly love Islam- I can't even describe the feeling of sweetness, there's no worries, no stress, no headache. Because you rely on God and every day worries became second to it all because you know God will be there and whatever happens is his decree. That is not to say (speaking from experience) that mental health issues dissappear, no but that in itself is a test one which still needs reliance on God, and i do advocate the use of treatments and therapy although not medication because I feel there are t...

Addicting additives

An addiction... It's so weird to think of addictions for me I always think of drug addicts or smokers but it can be anything from chocolate to makeup.  We all have addictions at some point. One time I was addicted to reading, all I would do is read. Literally when I woke up I would read- from fantasy to adventure. I loved reading then I had another addiction it was playing games. Again every day I played games on the laptop or TV (back when people played sky games) and then when I was in college I was addicted to studying I loved studying so I'd be studying all the time. Now I've come to a point where shopping is an addiction I mean I have had a shopping phase during college too but now that I don't have studying to distract me I suppose I'm consumed by materialism. I know it's not good I buy unnecessary clothing, coats, shoes and somehow I expect it to make me feel better but it doesn't. I've also started buying make up different colour lipsticks, you...

Anxiety Support pt2

I have always felt a little bit strange and over time I thought I'd materialise into a normal person like everyone else. But as time went on I never did become that person I thought I'd naturally become.  Being different I realised is not bad- wha I'm trying to do is embrace who I am and not resent myself. In Islam issues like anxiety and depression is recognised, mental health does exist, there was a time I believed it didn't but only until I developed problems did I realise how important it is to address them. Islam does have remedies but that doesn't mean professional help can't be used- so long as it's not the sole reliance or comprising religion. Most of the time I find it's good to seek advise from those similar to you or even reading about those that are similar to you. It helps to know that there others out there like yourself. As well as engaging in activities that you enjoy- developing positive aspects of yourself in order to avoid resentment. ...

From the eyes of anxiety

How the world is to a person with anxiety A person with anxiety, although I'm no expert, in my opinion has a different way of seeing the world. I've come to see the world with two different sets of eyes the way the world should be seen and the way I see it. The way I see it is that anything I am meant to do but have no knowledge of or experience in, is very frightening for me. Now I'm not sure how open minded my readers are but let's try and see this from my perspective and not the way it is for you, as we all different and have different experiences in life so if you start thinking ....that's strange or that's really small it's not a big deal, let's try to remember that something small for you is bigger for someone else. Okay and with that I'd like to talk some more. I've always been quite I'm not sure if it's called practical but let's say that. What I mean by that is anything I am told to do, I have to know exactly how to do it...

Coming back from sin

I don't really know what to say after writing such a personal post. Well it may not seem so personal to you as a reader but for me I've always been hesitant about talking about social anxiety. Anyhow I find that because of my somewhat neurotic personality (even though I do not seem it) i can often pinpoint solutions to problems I have, for instance how to recover from long periods of distance from religion, and yes I know how many times have I posted about this? Well a lot mainly because I'm suffering from it so I feel I can only talk about what I experience. But there has been some progress in my quest to change the direction of my journey. In my journey in life, up until recently I had felt very distant in my religion, more distant than I have ever felt and I think that's why it's important to make this post. I'm sure many of been through this and not gotten through it, but Alhamdulilah I have and I pray everyone of you who goes through hard times does too. ...

The road to social anxiety

I'm kind of wondering whether there's any point in trying to explain why I haven't posted, or whether you guys are just sick of me and never even read the stuff I write nowadays, in any case I wasn't lying about a Ramadan video ...the catch is its not obviously going to be posted in Ramadan.. (Because Ramadan is over) So the other day I was at my friends house and I was recalling all the times I had embarrassed myself and I realised that around the ages of 10-13 I was a really strange child. Like for instance when ever I would go out at the age 10 I would always wear my black long (two sizes too big for me) parka with joggers or pyjamas and my hood up with unbrushed hair. Who wouldn't be scared of me right? Well turns out most people because every time I visited the post office with my mum the man would tell me not to touch any items and he would stare at me funny. I mean it's expected right? As I grew older it got even funnier. This time I started wearing clo...

Update about where the heck I went

I made another blog I think I have an obsession! No but on all serious platforms I have, but its more like a blog about mylife, where I take pictures and videos of my life. So if you want to see it, just see it. Its called ok! Anyway more on to the real topic, I will be posting a Ramadhan video, incase you thought I had moved or something, i know ive been slow but its a work in the process! So just keep your eyes open! Maybe a general ramadhan routine, tips and so on?

The Mind

Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmtullahi Wa Barakatuh, I wasn't going to post this on this blog as it is more in line with the topics, themes or whatever of the other blog I am an author of, (infinite vestige) however I feel it has some wisdom( you may call it that?) and hopefully will be useful to others so I will share here, feel free to comment! Soul series Soul finder number two Well soul finder number one was a walk in the park right? Literally! 💛😂. Number two, although it was hard to find and I wasn't sure when I actually found it. I think I might have found it. It's not so obvious and these are in no particular order or even in importance. But number two is about the mind. It's about controlling the mind, training the mind, loving the mind. Nurturing it to be beautiful. Although I would like to say I'm a beautiful being, truth is, I'm not. But with time I can become one. It starts with fixing my faults. Pulling myself back when I want to do things that are a bit ...

Shes my little sister

I think when you take a look at my little sister she seems so mature, so grown up, so aware. But you forget she's still small, she has no idea about the world, and it's corruption. Most importantly the influence friends can have on you. When you're young you're still confused about what's right and what's wrong, you want to explore and discover the world, you want to be older. But you can't, because you're not ready. No way near. Today my sister was found to be doing something wrong, when confronted she cried. She usually cries so this was not shocking to me, especially because kids usually cry when found to be doing something they shouldn't of. What made me realise how vulnerable and small she really is, is when I spoke to her about what had happened. I asked her why. I asked how. And I asked what she thought now. Her response was so innocent it made me realise how bad she felt. She insisted it was her friend who had told her, and all my previous vi...

Video: Politics Today

Assalamualaikum, This post is basically about why we should all be involved in politics and not let silly barriers stop us from learning and growing! Don't let anyone make you feel like you're not good enough because you are, there are so many great scientists with difficulties but are still so successful  and in this case it's not even about success it's about expressing yourself and taking part! We all start somewhere so we should never feel embarrassed about what we do not know instead we should seek knowledge with sincerity regardless of others' opinions! (This video has temporarily been removed but will shortly be replaced! bear with me!)

Video: Climbing Trees pt 2

Assalamualaikum This is basically an extension of my first video, 'climbing trees'- explaining why you should climb trees and how I started....I know it's a bit weird but come on it's fun! (This video has temporarily been removed but will shortly be replaced! bear with me!) This is related to my previous post, 'get a hobby', thanks for watching and reading! 

Video: Hobbies?

Assalamualaikum, I've been thinking about myself and what helps me when I'm sad or struggling in my deen and one thing I've found is having a passion for something, but instead of me writing my thoughts I thought I'd share a video of my thoughts. P.s sorry if I repeated my points, I don't think I'm used to videoing yet  <.< (This video has temporarily been removed but will shortly be replaced! bear with me!) Anyhow enjoy! 

Video: climbing trees

Assalamualaikum This is my experience of climbing trees.. I think everyone should know how to climb trees so thus why I have made a video. I forgot to mention climbing trees works your arms out so either stretch or be prepared! (This video has temporarily been removed but will shortly be replaced! bear with me!) Wasalaam

I Got Your Back

We have a moral and social obligation as muslims to do our part in standing firm against oppression and injustice inflicted on our ummah. We are obliged, it is our duty to Allah to speak out and use our voices to make a difference to the muslim community. Saving one person is like saving a whole nation, so just remember, every single voice counts. We must empower ourselves through knowledge and awareness, we must seek the haqq in the midst of all the lies we hear in the media. We have a duty as muslims to stand firmly when we are criticised and ostracised... Read more    Source: What I find particularly interesting about this article is that it is always relevant we as Muslims are constantly under scrutiny and what with the current situation with the Charlie Hebdo murder it is even more important for us to understand what we are told and the increasing criminalisation of Islam

Sacrificing a Selftitude

Assalaamualikum Wa Rahmtullahi Wa Baraktuh, I bow my head in shame to you, oh loyal reader, for I have failed you. Inconsistency is what I wanted to avoid and I have found myself in the quicksand of it.  Please forgive me. It has been a month since I have posted and I can honestly say it's been a confusing time for me. Recently it feels like all I have is issues with myself, battling them everyday, though I am practical and usually good at solving problems, it seems as though this is something reoccurring.  I apologise, I apologise for making you bear the brunt of this, as you should not. I had a problem not so long ago, it was to do with sacrifice. What I mean by sacrifice is, giving up something you would not choose to, because of a certain situation you are forced to. For me it was university, and a stable "career" when prospects of this disappeared I felt low, like my life was meaningless. I felt as though I was missing out on what everyone else had, I lacked a real e...