So it's been a while, my life has changed.
Maybe even I have changed.
Change can do that to you. There has been a big change in my life... um...ah.. I got married. If I'm honest I have been feeling slightly overwhelmed and I did stop running and volunteering amongst other things. I choose not to go to the Malawi trip but the money still went (my Nikkah was around the trip time)
Despite this, I am getting back into my running,
I stopped that for a
while but alhamdulilah I am getting back into it. I have been running for an hour twice a week at gym with my husband and I have been trying to get back into writing too. I am still working alhamdulilah, so things have really changed. Do you remember where I was a year ago? I can tell you I was miserable.
I wasn't getting married (I had tried), I failed my driving and I left work. All in all 2017 was a rubbish year, things have changed so much, I am blessed with a job and a husband, I guess I never realised how much things can change and even in the face of so much negativity how having hope can help. Don't get me wrong I didn't think I would get a job or get married last year, I just focused on being content and working on myself which can be difficult when things are going horribly wrong but its so important otherwise you end up driving yourself crazy with all the self-doubt.
What got me through a rubbish year was relying on Allah and just being grateful with whatever I had, which at the time was running in the park and reading books, I was actually really happy with just that at the time because I knew Allah would aid me if I relied on Him.
Alhamdulilah for the small things, and alhamdulilah for hope, Alhamdulilah for change and growth and Alhamdulilah for us being able to continue in the face of our struggles. These blessings have taught me to always be grateful because you never know what good awaits you.
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