I feel like sometimes when someone upsets another person or a person's negative habits arise people are quite quick to jump on the bandwagon and label that as their 'characteristic' or them being well known for that particular behaviour which of course is not true, sometimes people act out of character when pushed and obviously sometimes it is their negative habit but sometimes it's not.
And I think the sometimes it's not is important. Because when we focus on the fact that this person is 'like that' we forget that sometimes we can also be 'like that'. We all are a little bit selfish, a little vain, a little petty, a little too confrontational: sometimes. Just because at that time it wasn't you doesn't mean it hasn't or counldnt be you.
Sometimes I get really annoyed with my sister and I think God why are they like that, and then I think that about another sister and usually it goes around until my whole family has had that thought from me, so what does that mean? Does it mean everyone is abnormally annoying and I am perfect? No it just means everyone has bad days and everyone has bad flaws, and also the part I forget is that I'm sure my family members think I'm annoying too and label me with 'being too .... ' Etc etc.
Moral of the story folks is work on yourself and stop being so quick to point the finger in other people's directions.
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