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A Brave New World

Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

I would like to tell you sisters the reason for my delayed post is because I have been extremely busy! So busy you might want to ring Obama and tell him I don't have time to talk to him! Yes. You know. I have been busy.....eating pizzas. ;) Anyhowz let's get a movin'


When I am walking in college I rarely do find myself shocked or amazed by the commotion around me. I try to block it out when I need to. Although the attack seems to be much stronger than my defence.

However all is not lost! Just the other day I saw something that made my smile light up and be thankful that my defense was weak. It was a girl who had started wearing the Hijab and Abaya. To be truthful I don't know her, but her actions alone have told me she seems dedicated to Islam and interested in learning.

Alhamdulilah! <3 But what also crossed my mind at that moment is that alot of sisters wear the Hijab and Abaya end up either distorting the purpose or removing it. Now I can't seem to uncross it.. :/

I know not everyone does this, but there are a handful. I am not in any way trying to blame sisters or criticise them, no I am trying to give a perspective that InshaAllah will help you all!

First off sisters, we need to question our intentions. Why are we doing this? Who is it for? If your answers are "i dunno" or "my parents" or "my boyfriend", 1) any intention that is not directed to gaining the pleasure of Allah(SWT) will crumble, eventually you give up because it's not 'worth' it. 2) Doing a good deed doesn't not mean you should carry on with a bad deed i.e your boyfriend telling you to. Therefore correct your intentions, go to the Qur'an read the verse about adorning the Hijab, understand it and love Islam. Once you love Islam InshaAllah you will wear it forever.

"And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their private parts from sin and not show of their adornment except only that which is apparent, and draw their headcovers over their necks and bosoms and not reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women (i.e., their sisters in Islam), or their female slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants free of physical desires, or small children who have no sense of women's nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn unto Allah altogether, O you Believers, in order that you may attain success.[An-Nur, 24:31]

I believe there is another verse in the Qur'an about Hijab so InshaAllah look into it. Also read books about why we wear Hijab, the importance of it, how it has helped others. Try reading revert stories aswell! This will help you to understand why Hijab is so important. InshaAllah. :)

Next I need to tell you all, what I have learnt. You might wanna sit down, grab some popcorn, get cosy, you'll be hearing alot of "what I have learnt" in my journeying through life...

I haven't been alive for very long so excuse me, but I realise people or me expect too much from life, they set themselves up to fall. Whether it's relying on your friend to be your 24/7 or your deen to be as strong as ever till you die. Don't worry sisters we have all been there. I guess we just need to understand that our sole purpose is to worship Allah therefore we should not allow ourselves to digress.

So if you wear the Hijab new or the Abaya, don't expect too much.  Don't expect your life to change dramatically or to have the same level of emaan in the next few years. A common problem that we all face is low emaan, and my best solution is to realise and appreciate that everything needs work. When you build up your emaan it might crumble but you just have to pick yourself up and build it again. Like a piece in a lego tower, or Jengo! Blocks can always be put on top of eachother! So lets get a' movin'! I am so going to beat you, I rock at Jengo!

Read Qur'an every night, pray Tahajjud every weekend, attend lectures, these should all help to build your emaan.

Also we must accept that if we fall then it is by the will of Allah (swt) therefore we must not complain or get depressed. Look to the future and all that it brings.

Lastly I would like to add that family and friends that are around new Hijabis should not pressurise them into wearing all black or wearing their Hijab a certain way. If you have an opinion gently suggest it but otherwise you should be careful about how you say things. Its natural for Hijabi to want to experiment with colours and styles, however sisters please bear in mind that the purpose of the Hijab is to cover our hair and neck, clothes should not expose our awrah and we should not be purposefully trying to attract attention. Anything that does not transgress those boundaries should be fine. It's okay to want to wear a nice patterned Hijab or nice coloured cardi!

Not everyone wants to wear All black, and thats fine! It might help to find new friends as well. A new Hijabi needs good influences therefore friends with similar interests will make them feel at ease, but friends that have no interest in Islam will deter you and may even make you take it off as we all know friends are very important.

Hadrat Abu Hurairah (r.a.a.) relates that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "A person is likely to follow the faith of his friend, so look whom you be friend." (Abu Daud and Tirmizi)

Urm. Sisters.. I have only realised now that all my posts say "ihsaan" instead of "insaan" >.< I'm so sorry!  you're all excellent ;) You know what I mean...right? ...well anyways..

Wasalaam >.>


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