My week took a surprising turn for the worst, one which I had no ability to predict. Let's start at the beginning, I've been doing new things lately, things if you had caught me a few years ago and asked me 'Hey Repa would you consider this and this?' I probably would have said no. But new positivity, new challenges, new me! I got a PT back in May and I never thought I'd get a PT, one because they are pretty pricey and two I thought it was only for complete beginners to gym, both of which are untrue. All PTs have their own prices and I had been going to gym for about 6 months before I got a PT. Some of the reasons I wanted a PT was, I had never tried it, I wanted to be pushed and I wanted help with my goals. Another new thing I tried was a gymnastics class, I had seen those fancy gymnasts on TV for the Olympics and I thought hey that's pretty cool! So I just wanted to try it out and that I did. I ended up with an ankle injury mainly because the class was an o...