I thought this feeling of trying to figure myself out would disappear as I got older but it seems its something that will stay, I am always trying to figure out what I like, what makes me happy, what makes me ME. Its like I don't really know who I am yet, and it'll take me the rest of my life to find out. Sometimes I get frustrated with myself, like why can't it just be simple, why is everything I do one big fuzzball. But I guess that's just me, part of understanding myself is accepting myself, regardless of who does and doesn't accept that. I think an important part of knowing yourself is not caring if others don't know you or even accept you. I have struggled with that for a long time, and I still do but I always want to remind myself it doesn't matter what anyone in the world thinks as long as I know myself and I am working on finding out who I really want to be, and I want to remind you too that you can take all the time in the world getting to...