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Showing posts from May, 2015

Video: Politics Today

Assalamualaikum, This post is basically about why we should all be involved in politics and not let silly barriers stop us from learning and growing! Don't let anyone make you feel like you're not good enough because you are, there are so many great scientists with difficulties but are still so successful  and in this case it's not even about success it's about expressing yourself and taking part! We all start somewhere so we should never feel embarrassed about what we do not know instead we should seek knowledge with sincerity regardless of others' opinions! (This video has temporarily been removed but will shortly be replaced! bear with me!)

Video: Climbing Trees pt 2

Assalamualaikum This is basically an extension of my first video, 'climbing trees'- explaining why you should climb trees and how I started....I know it's a bit weird but come on it's fun! (This video has temporarily been removed but will shortly be replaced! bear with me!) This is related to my previous post, 'get a hobby', thanks for watching and reading! 

Video: Hobbies?

Assalamualaikum, I've been thinking about myself and what helps me when I'm sad or struggling in my deen and one thing I've found is having a passion for something, but instead of me writing my thoughts I thought I'd share a video of my thoughts. P.s sorry if I repeated my points, I don't think I'm used to videoing yet  <.< (This video has temporarily been removed but will shortly be replaced! bear with me!) Anyhow enjoy!