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Showing posts from October, 2013

Painful Love

Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh, Todays post was inspired by a conversation between me and my sister. She is starting her own blog, congrats to her! :) She spoke about the topic of love which led me to question my thoughts on love. What do I believe love is? What is love? How is love related to Islam? Well love can be seen as a force, an overwhelming feeling that overrides our thoughts and actions. People say love is a drug and it becomes addictive. Which is true, literally. I see the raised eyebrows and rolling eyes but hold it because its true. Scientifically when you fall in love, im talking the giddy youthful love; butterflies, heart pacing yada yada. Your brain produces dopamine which is a drug that has a similar effect to cocaine. Fascinating right? Despite this the strongest most powerful love that ceases to exist is between us and Allah.This is because the love that is shared between your Lord and you is spiritual and much more grappling. Th e almighty created u...

A Starry Night

Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh, Beautiful way to begin a day, actually every day is pray Fajr. InshaAllah you all have the means to do this and if not here are some tips on how to wake up for Fajr: -keep wudhu the night before(angels surround you if you have wudhu making it easier for you to wake up) -Read some Qur'an before going to bed(so your mind is focused) -Make a niyyah(intention) so InshaAllah you will be able to do it! -Go to sleep early!(a common reason people fail to pray Fajr is because they are too tired from last nights partying ;) ) -Set an alarm atleast an hour or so before sunrise (so you have time to be slow) These are some tips I like to use and it usually helps me. InshaAllah if you are struggling try your best! Next read the waking up dua Feel it in your heart. Say it with meaning. You are praising the Almighty for letting you be alive, to begin afresh. Anything bad you did yesterday can be erased through repentence today and good deeds. T...


Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh, Sisters, today I find myself addressing age old issues that will always be spoken of no matter what. This is because this topic is so detailed that it requires a huge amount of discussion amongst scholars as well among us. Whats the topic, you say? Well let me begin first, with why I am writing about this. Today in class, we were moved around and I ended up being in a group full of boys. Somehow I always find myself in such situations. This brought me to think about how sisters everywhere that go to mixed colleges, schools, workplaces have to experience this! Which made me think (like I do) and it led me to write this post. Well as I have made it pretty obvious the topic is freemixing or "socialising". But its not in a broad sense its inside the classroom/workplace. We know at some point we have to work with the opposite gender, but when does it start and when does it stop? By this I mean, how much "mixing" does there...


Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh, As a fellow human being I can say that I have had my fair share of bad experiences. Experiences which I regret and wish never happened. But the past is a memory that can only be recollected in our thoughts and not in the present because the past is untainted so our future can be recreated. Nice quote thing there huh? Well the reason I speak of this sisters is because everyone has a past, that lurks around them like a lingering smell. The thing is we should realise by now, Islam is the air freshner that will make us not only relieved but our noses happier. We all make mistakes and that's no reason why we should be held down by them, it's a mistake not a representation of who you are. We know that repentence allows us to redeem ourselves and by the will of Allah(SWT) we can start afresh, a new page in our books InshaAllah. The real issue at hand sisters, is when we acknowledge our mistakes and can repent but judge others for their ...


Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh, So Y'all today I was thinking, you know really thinking, and I realised I am not good with commitments. But I am trying to be and this is what I have come up with. The key is forcing yourself to go ahead with it, now sisters I am not talking about forcing yourself into marriage or things you DONT want to do, you shouldn't burden yourself. Im talking about things you WANT to do but may get scared or lack confidence to complete. For instance you hate one of your classes, but the teacher is really good and the class is alright, the real problem is you dont have any fun. You should force yourself to stay on, life is not always about fun! So moving on to the real topic at hand. How this relates to Islam. When we want to pray Tahajjud or do Sunnah fasts, we often get that voice saying "its too hard", "what about school tomorrow?" ...problems pile up faster than you count. Lets remind ourselves that the key to getting ...